In addition to the quarterly Board meetings, partners engage in a number of sub-groups to support specific workstreams.
Each sub-group of the SSASPB has its own terms of reference (ToR) and business plans through which to deliver their aims and objectives. These are informed by the SSASPB strategic plan and agreed priorities and refreshed annually.
Executive sub-group
The purpose of the executive sub-group is to ensure that the core functions as agreed in the SSASPB Constitution are carried out within the agreed governance framework and operational processes and that Board and sub group business plans are delivered.
You can find further information in the terms of reference
Mental Capacity Act (MCA) sub-group
The responsibility of the MCA sub-group is to seek assurance of the multi-agency
implementation of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 and the Deprivation of
Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) legislation across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.
Audit and Assurance (A&A) sub-group
The responsibility of the A&A sub-group is to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and quality of the activities performed by all board partners, both individually and collectively. The group also have the responsibility for ensuring that there are robust training frameworks in place.
You can find further information in the terms of reference
Policies and Procedures (P&P) sub-group
The purpose of the P&P sub-group is to produce multi-agency policies and procedures that reflect national, and where appropriate regional policies and guidance and which promote effective and consistent practice across organisations who work with adults at risk within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.
The Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent adult safeguarding enquiry procedures were refreshed following the Care Act 2014 and are reviewed at least annually and more frequently if necessary due to case law, new legislation, updated guidance and lessons learnt from reviews.
You can find further information in the terms of reference
Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) sub-group
The purpose of the SAR sub-group is to ensure that the Board undertakes safeguarding adult reviews (SARs) when appropriate, that agreed processes are followed and that lessons are learned.
Members of the sub-group have developed the SSASPB SAR protocol and supporting appendices which are reviewed at least annually and more frequently if necessary due to case law, new legislation, updated guidance and lessons learnt from reviews.
You can find further information in the terms of reference
Prevention and Engagement (P&E) sub-group
The puprose of the P&E sub-group is to drive a range of engagement activities and suggest new ways to engage with pracitioners and adults with care and support needs and to promote prevention methods.
You can find further information in the terms of reference