How to report abuse
How to respond if you think someone with care and support needs is being abused or neglected. Remember, suspicion is enough.
If it is an emergency and someone is seriously hurt, or the abuser is still with the adult and they are in immediate danger ring the Police on 999.
If the adult lives in Stoke
Telephone: 0800 561 0015 at any time
Minicom: 01782 236037
If the adult lives in Staffordshire
Telephone: 0345 604 2719 Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm, Fridays 8:30am to 4:30pm, excluding Bank Holidays
0345 604 2886 at any other time
Don’t worry if you are not sure, the person on the phone will help you to forward your concerns to the right team.
Contacting the SSASPB
If you wish to contact the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board please use the details below. Please note the Board cannot process safeguarding referrals, if you would like to raise a concern or make a referral use the numbers above:
Write to
Staffordshire Place 1
Tipping Street
ST16 2LP
Please note that any letters which are posted to us, may not be collected for up to 2 weeks, owing to new working practices.
01785 854071