Adult safeguarding focuses on those adults who have care and support needs that are experiencing, or at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation (made to do things they don’t want to in return for money, accommodation, ‘love’ and presents for example).
Adults with care and support needs may:
- Be elderly and frail because of ill-health, disability or condition such as dementia
- Have a learning disability
- Have a physical disability or be blind or deaf
- Have mental health needs including dementia or personality disorders
- Have a long term illness or condition
- Be a carer of a family member or friend and is being abused
- Not have capacity to make some decisions and is need of care and support
Where does abuse occur?
It can happen in many different settings, some of which include:
- Someone's home
- In a care home
- In a hospital
- In a day centre
- In a public place
Who is the abuser?
Abuse is carried out by many different people, but it's usually someone who is known and trusted. It may be:
- A family member
- A neighbour
- A care worker or volunteer
- A friend
- Anyone with access to the person
Under 18s
This website is about safeguarding adults, that is someone over the age of 18 years. If you are worried that someone under 18 is being abused or neglected, then please visit the relevant Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) website:
There will be information here that will help you to tell someone about your concerns.