You may have a concern about the quality of care that a friend or relative is receiving, this may not be a safeguarding concern but should be reported to the relevant local authority. Anyone can complete the form whether you use a care service, are the relative of someone who uses a care service, a member of the public, a health or social care professional or work within the care sector yourself. However, the form is for raising concerns regarding adult social care services within the Boarders of Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent or for Staffordshire or Stoke on Trent residents who use similar services outside these areas.
The Quality Assurance Form can be used to notify Staffordshire County Council or Stoke on Trent City Council of compliments or quality concerns with adult social care services or health and social care organisations that play a role within adult social care. These can include but is not limited to residential and nursing care homes, home care, supported living services, extra care schemes, brokerage functions and social care assessment organisations.
Please note that this is not a safeguarding referral form and if you believe someone with care and support needs is being abused or is at risk of abuse or neglect please read the information on reporting abuse.
If you are not sure if your concern is a Quality or Safeguarding concern Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust have created a useful guidance document.
Safeguarding, Quality or Regulatory Concerns (191KB)
For more detailed information about raising a quality concern, and for the quality concern form please visit the Staffordshire County Council website.
For more information about raising a quality concern in Stoke on Trent please find a link to additional quality assurance information here and the quality assurance form here.