It is my privilege as Independent Chair of the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Adult Partnership Board (SSASPB) to write the introduction to this website.
It is often said that ‘Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility’. This website is designed to turn those words into reality for anyone seeking information on what to do if they suspect abuse, as well as practitioners who are seeking information on good practice in responding to safeguarding concerns.
The website provides an overview of the work of the Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board and how it is making a positive difference to ensuring that adults with care and support needs who may be at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect are protected.
Whilst there is a common commitment by safeguarding partners to improving outcomes, in practice this means understanding how to support and empower people at risk of harm to resolve the circumstances which put them at risk. We want to encourage and develop practice which puts the person with care and support needs in control and generates a more person-centred set of responses and outcomes. This means the Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board seeking assurances that all those who work with adults know when and how to act when they are concerned about a possible risk, and the Board seeking assurances that effective advocacy services are in place for anyone who may need them.
In my first year as Independent Chair of the Board I have been impressed by the energy, commitment and enthusiasm of the many front line practitioners that I have met and their clear focus on doing their very best for those adults whom we are here to protect from harm.
I trust that the website is helpful in providing you with the information that you are looking for. If it isn’t please let us know how it can be improved by emailing
John Wood
Independent Chair; Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board.